Friday, August 30, 2013

Which Are The New Technologies That Developers Need To Learn This Year?

Technology is fast moving, and developers need to keep pace with it in order to keep their career on track. If a developer is not sharpening up his/her skills on the latest programming languages and other relevant technology then he/she is convincingly doing well to keep a full stop in its career perspective. Reading tech blogs like this one is also one of the best ways for developers to stay updated with the new advancing technology. Let's check out the latest technologies in the market that developers need to learn about: 

1. Hadoop - If you have not yet heard of Hadoop, its surprising you need to wake up. And if you have heard of it then you must actively learn this. It is one of the most influencing and market dominating newer technologies. It’s an open source software that supports data-intensive distributed applications. Hadoop is harder to learn and also hard to get the right and sufficient resource for reference. However, in whatever degree the developer can adequate himself or herself with this software. Moreover, it can never impossible to learn anything, with a little bit of effort developers can definitely master themselves.

2. MongoDB - This is another ruling technology although it's not as big as Hadoop but MongoDB has its own importance and it's much easier to learn. MongoDB is a database that fits well with big AJAX applications. 
3. Scala - With the changing concurrent programming, there has been a pragmatic shift in the kind of application developers are asked to build upon. For instance not long back the trading applications were demanded on C or C++ buy now demand and preference has shifted to Java. The newer technology debut in functional object-oriented programming is of Scala. Scala is not just a language it's in fact a complete ecosystem of ideas and libraries such as play and Akka. Staying away from is something that as a developer you can’t afford at the current market scenario, so better love it and learn it. 
4. Node. j's - You are a Java developer or a c++ or any other programming language. But having knowledge of state event-based, nonblocking systems like Node.js is important. While learning Node.JS, you may get reasons enough reasons to dislike the language but once you move ahead you will find plenty reasons that will interest you about Node.js. Such as the language is supported by a vibrant community industry support from Microsoft to Cloudbees to VMware and beyond. 
5. C/C++ or Assembly - Now this is something to which no developer can give a miss. You may not be using it directly but you will definitely be glad to have the knowledge of C/C++ or Assembly as you will be using the language, directly or indirectly on various platforms. As c and C++ plus is the basic programming language , so it is always important to be clear with the basics in order to rightly understand the technology at higher levels. For instance if you are a Ruby Developer then no one will look for your knowledge of C++ but any day and anytime you may be asked to fix a problem that your knowledge of c/c++ can best resolve.

6. GIT - If you still have no or limited knowledge of Git or don’t have account in GiftHub, the you are late or slow in the developer community. Tight your belts and fasten up. GIT is not something to which you can give a miss. In fact you should have learnt it long back last year itself. Well it's not late yet as you can straight away drive to get hands on on GIT, the source code management (SCM) system.

Friday, August 23, 2013

How To Create A Good Iphone App : Tips From Iphone

The app store has billions of apps to choose from hence a user is has too many options to choose from. Hence it’s no surprise users have grown quite selective in choosing which app to have in our iPhone. This creates the need for the developers to realize what a user will count upon before selecting the app. No doubt it’s the usage advantage of an app that will make it popular among users. But the usage advantage can be showed off only when the user downloads the app and use it. And for that the users have to first select your app over thousands of other competing apps. A user will not know the sophisticated codes or programing language the developers must have used to get the app developed, rather the user will just use his concise, probably read the content or just arbitrary used an app getting attracted to its icon. This brings in the need of having the right kind of icons for the apps. App icon is very important from UI perspective. Following are some of the tips at iPhone have itself suggested to the developers, so that they can come with the right icon. Need of a good icon can be measured from the fact that bad icon is among top three reasons for which apps get rejected from the app store during the review process. 

  • Get a unique shape
While developing an icon for the app, it is good if the developer uses a simple shape that makes the icon easily recognizable from a distance and at the first glance. Having a recognizable and catchy icon is important in order to attract the users. However, one more point that the developer needs to take care of is the fact that the app icon appears at different size in the app store, home screen and notification. In the app store it’s of large size while get small in the home screen of the phone and smaller in the notification. So, the developer needs to develop the app considering this fact. The app must remain recognizable everywhere.
  •  Get the colors right
The right selection of the colors is also very important. It is recommended that the developer use a limited palette. Using too many colors make the icon perplexing. However, the developers’ talent lies in getting a very effective and explanatory app using one or two colors only. 
  •  Get rid of photos in app
In the app store there is no dearth of apps that uses photos. But somehow, this ambulation is not very promising. It is better to keep the photos off from the icon.
  • Too many texts complete NO
The icon is not meant to explain the complete thing about the app. For that purpose there will be content and UI. But the icon is just to attract the user and to give them an idea about the app. It’s just like the logo for a brand, which is more off like a tool for the retention of that brand. Hence, there is no need of using too much of text in the icon and making it look full. Rather the developer can keep it simple.
Being creative is the root to all. The developer must keep in mind that creativity always stands tall as it makes a thing unique. So as the icon is just like a face to the app, so the developer must take great efforts to make it as creative as possible. However, keeping the aforementioned points in mind is also very important.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Which are the top 15 most used programming languages?

Technology has moved on very vast from simple basic HTML coding to the coding of complex logic for creating high end apps. As the common people are getting more and more fond of gadgets and other forms of technological conveniences. The real essence of coding and programming are best understood by the engineers or the developers only, and the common man just enjoys the technological boom as the end user. However, even for the end user and especially for the programmer it is very important to stay updated with the latest of programming languages in the IT industry. While for the common man its just enough to know the names, ofcource, the programmer needs to be an expert on coding. Here check the current 15 programming languages that are mostly used.

1) SQL
SQL is a one type of special-purpose programming language that is used for managing data in database management system (RDBMS). SQL compromises a data manipulation and a data definition language. It is based on algebra and tuple relational calculus. The SQL programming is very much in demand, so is the programmer who has profound knowledge of this.

2) Java
Java language basically compromises different computer software products. It carries the specification of Sun Micro systems. After merging with Oracle Corporation, the two together provide a system used in the development of application software that is deployed in a computing environment with cross-platform.

JavaScript is a computer programming language which was originally employed along as a part of web browsers. The purpose of this was to initiate client-side script interaction with the users. Other applications were also facilitated such as control over the browser, alteration of the displayed document content, communicate asynchronously. Currently a Java script has become most popular in development of games and desktop applications.

4) C++
C++ is a general-purpose programming language. It is most often considered as the intermediate-level language. It is also one of the most commonly used programming languages that is used in a variety of operating systems or other hardware. It is majorly used in the development systems software, 
 application software, embedded software, device driver, and client applications, high-performance serve and gaming software, etc.

5) XML
XML is the acronym of Extensible Markup Language that describes a set of rules meant for encoding of documents in a format that readable to both human and machine. XML is preferred as a programming language because it supports simplicity and high usability over the Internet. It also forms the basis for RSS and XHTML.

6) C#
C# is considered as a multi-paradigm programming language, developed by Microsoft as apart of its .NET initiative. It encompasses programming discipline data can be identified by the following characteristics:
  • Strong typing
  • Declarative
  • Functional
  • Procedural
  • Generic
  • Object-oriented (class-based)
  • Component-oriented
7) Python
Python is a general-purpose which is widely used for high-level programming. The language mainly emphasis on code readability by allowing the programmer to express the language syntax in fewer lines of code. This makes the language more code readable as compared to C language. Python is being used even by notable players like Google and NASA owing to a high level of clarity in the codes. The very popular data management software drop box has been written using this language.

8) C Language
C as a programming language is perhaps the most heard one. It is kind of all time programming languages. In fact many other programming languages such as C#, D, Jave, Go, JavaScript, LPC, Limbo, Perl, Python, PHP etc has been borrowed from Java directly or indirectly.

9) Perl
Pearl identifies a set of two high-level general-purpose programming languages called Perl 5 and Perl 6. These are two interested and dynamic language that shares features common with another programming language such as C, AWK, and sad. The language supports powerful text processing facilities that too without interruption of any data-length limits. In the 90s, Perl got very popular for its ability to create CGI scripts. Apart from being used in web development, this is also used for building system administration, desktop apps, games, Bioinformatics, etc.

10) HTML
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the most integral markup language that is used for creating web pages. Like XML, it also readable by both human and machine. The coding for website design is done using the HTML tags. The tags are not displayed in the browser but the browser displays the website reading the HTML document only.

11) PHP
PHP is the server-side scripting language, which also holds its significance in domain web development. But it also used sometime as the general-purpose programming language. The large number of websites that deal with every day are all powered by PHP only. In fact there are around 20 million websites that run on PHP including Facebook and Wikipedia.

12) Objective-C
Objective-C is an object-oriented, general-purpose programming language. It is almost a 30 year old programming language. Apples’ iOS and OS X are programmed using this language. The language is very much in demand in the programming industry.

13) AJAX
AJAX acronym for Asynchronous JavaScript And XML. As clear from its name, this programming language that is used for creating asynchronous web applications. Using Ajax application data can be sent or retrieved from a server asynchronously that too without disturbing or altering the display and behavior of the existing page.

ASP.NET, developed by Microsoft is a Web application framework . It is used in the Web development, especially in the creation of dynamic Web pages. The ability of ASP.NET to create dynamic websites and web applications keep it very popular among developers.

15) Ruby
Ruby is almost a 20 years old scripting language that is still very much in demand for features like dynamic and general-purpose. It is an object-oriented programming influenced by the syntax of Perl, Eiffel and Lisp. The language supports multiple programming paradigms and has a dynamic type system and automatic memory management.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Salesforce.Com Mobile Chatter Gets Upgraded With The Version Four

Revolutionizing the way of on-go collaboration, Salesforce mobile Chatter app successfully delivered what it had promised. Now, moving a step ahead, Salesforce is soon to live the fourth version of its Mobile Chatter Application, most likely on 29th July. Chatter Mobile is a no charge app and at the time of launch, it will be available for iOS devices only and the Android support, probably, will be out later this year. 
Like other flagship software of Salesforce, this new app is also going to be a high tech collaboration software that will facilitate the users to have a more smooth and advance way of viewing, retrieving and writing back data to the core CRM (customer relationship management) system.
This fourth version will be new in light of the fact that it will not just allow the users to read Salesforce records such as Accounts, Opportunities, Leads, Contacts, etc. but will also allow them to edit those. The new feature will endow the Chatter mobile users with the power to edit records that can be customer-service cases, sales leads or others. 
The second key feature of the latest version will be the users’ accessibility to dashboards main CRM application through Chatter mobile. Custom Actions can be counted as the third key feature that will allow the administrators to create new workflows. Means, the administrator will be able to do tasks like put an inventory request, approve a job candidate and add them to the Chatter mobile interface. Custom Actions are likely to be a very helpful tool facilitating users to have advantages like of "micro-moments" This will enable them to get their real work done on the go itself, instead of waiting to come back to the desk for getting things done.

Friday, July 19, 2013

10 Most Beautiful Apps On Android

Apps that offer functionality on a simple and easy-to-use interface are not only a pleasant to use but also comfort the eyes. Google has released its list of most beautiful apps on the Android marketplace. The Beautiful Design Summer 2013 Collection has a few well-known faces, along with some new starters, each with simple and deluxe interfaces. Check out the 10 most beautiful Android apps…

Developed by Lucas Rocha, Pattrn is a free wallpaper app with access to a huge repository of colourful patterns for each day of the week. Users can download and share these 
patterns, depending on colour and keyword.

Eye In The Sky

Eye In The Sky is a weather app with features like four widgets, expandable notifications and DashClock extension. The app is ad-supported, though users can opt for the paid version in order to get rid of the advertisements.


Pocket is a content aggregation app by Read It Later, which allows users to save articles, videos, web pages etc to view them later. This free app syncs the content across laptops, tablets and phones.


Timer by Opoloo is a paid timer app that depicts the interface in Holo aesthetics. Users can save unlimited number of timers, with customized labels, and back them up with their Google accounts.

Grand St

Grand St is an app that showcases well-designed hardware products that its team has picked out and tested, with one new device listed each day. The app describes the design, functionality, user experience and price of the products it lists.


Pinterest is a social media app that allows users to pin pictures of things they like on a virtual board. They can collect and share these photos under various labels, including music, travel etc and also follow others via social networking logins.

Press Reader (RSS)

Press is a simple RSS feed collection app that curates data from sources like Feedly, Feed Wrangler, Feedbin etc. This app does not have ads and boasts of features like vertical and horizontal swiping, background syncing, offline reading, image zooming and DashClock extension.


Expedia Hotels and Flights, the app version of the popular travel booking website, brings all the features that it is famous for on the mobile screen. It allows users to find and book hotels as well as flights, along with deals and discounts.


Social news aggregation app Flipboard boasts of a magazine-style layout that enables users to flip through news and articles on the mobile screen.


The mobile app of TED (Technology, Entertainment and Design) Conferences provides users access to videos and audio clips of talks given by prominent business gurus, educationists, artists, doctors etc.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

New Fibre Optic Technology To Boost Internet Bandwidth

A new fiber optic technology could increase Internet bandwidth capacity by sending data along light beams that twist like a tornado rather than move in a straight line.

The new technology operates using round, rather than vertical laser beams, resulting in a twisting movement that can increase the capacity of bandwidth as internet traffic increases through the use of smartphones, tablets and other internet-enabled devices, that has begun to create problems for network providers.

Traditionally, bandwidth has been enhanced by increasing the number of colours, or wavelengths of data-carrying laser signals -- essentially streams of 1s and 0s -- sent down an optical fibre, where the signals are processed according to colour.

For several decades since optical fibres were deployed, the conventional assumption has been that OAM-carrying beams are inherently unstable in fibres.

Unlike the colours, however, data streams of 1s and 0s from different modes mix together; determining which data stream came from which source requires computationally intensive and energy-hungry digital signal processing algorithms.

Researchers approach combines both strategies, packing several colours into each mode, and using multiple modes. Including the use of such beams for enhancing data capacity in fibers.

Researchers created an OAM fibre with four modes (an optical fibre typically has two), and showed that for each OAM mode, they could send data through a 1km fibre in 10 different colours, resulting in a transmission capacity of 1.6 terabits per second. or the equivalent of transmitting eight Blu-Ray DVDs every second.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Oracle releases HTML5-focused Java EE 7

The latest version of enterprise Java is meant to be 'the ultimate platform for building HTML5 and mobile apps-

Oracle officially introduced its completed implementation of Java Platform, EE (Enterprise Edition) 7, focused on HTML5 applications, developer fruitfulness, and enterprise postulations. Developers can download the SDK for Java EE 7.
The enterprise-grade edition of Java is mainly deployed on servers; EE 7 features include JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) help for data movement, and WebSocket communications, both providing for HTML5 application development. This is the ultimate platform for building HTML5 and mobile apps.
Java EE 7 brings this widely used enterprise framework to the modern age of HTML5 and also brings important improvement in developer productivity that will have windfalls in code quality. In this age of the polyglot programmer, Java EE 7 will allow Java to remain one of the most widely deployed technologies for server applications on the planet.
JavaServer Faces 2.2 capabilities in Java EE 7 add HTML5-friendly markup support. Batch programming capabilities, intended for long-running tasks, support enterprise-scale applications, while concurrency utilities provide higher throughput.
For developer productivity, EE 7 offers easier-to-use APIs, such as Java Message Service 2.0 and the simplified JMS API reduces the need for a lot of boilerplate code. Tooling support for Java EE 7 can be found in the NetBeans IDE and Eclipse.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Oracle Brings Data Center Fabric To Sparc Systems

Oracle has prolonged its data center fabric to its Sparc-based Unix platforms, promising to let enterprises tie more servers and applications into the high-speed infrastructure which give users faster access to critical apps.

Data center fabrics are designed to make infrastructures more scalable, dynamic and flexible by tying together the various resources in the data center, which is increasingly important, given the rapid growth of such technologies as cloud computing and virtualization, as well as such trends as mobile computing and bring your own device (BYOD) and the rising demand for faster application performance.
Oracle Virtual Networking support to its Sparc T5, T4 and M5 servers and for the Oracle Solaris 11 OS on both Sparc and x86 hardware. It saves IT departments from having to install multiple network interface cards and host bus adapters in its physical servers, while tying together the resources in the data center at speeds up to 80Gbps (bits per second).The fabric supports a range of operating systems, including Oracle Solaris, Oracle Linux and Microsoft's Windows, and virtualization platforms, such as Oracle VM, VMware and Microsoft's Hyper-V.

Five New Features Coming In Opensuse Linux 12.3

The new & important feature in this version is 'Secure Boot'.

Here is details of all changes :-
  1. 'Secure Boot' support
"The good news is that OpenSuse 12.3 RC2 can boot perfectly with Secure Boot enabled in our UEFI firmware," he added.
  1. The E17 desktop
Anyone who has ever checked out Bodhi Linux has already seen the beautiful E17, or "Englightenment," desktop, and that's now offered in OpenSuse 12.3 as well. Also now included are the Sawfish and Awesome window managers.
  1. New database options
Another new addition in OpenSuse 12.3 is open source database software PostgreSQL 9.2, which comes with Native JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) support. Meanwhile, MariaDB has replaced MySQL as the operating system's default database package.
  1. In the cloud
For cloud users, meanwhile, OpenSuse 12.3 is the first OpenSuse version to offer a complete OpenStack "Folsom" release.
  1. A raft of updates
OpenSuse 12.3 includes numerous key updates, including Linux kernel 3.7.9, Gnome Shell 3.6.3, Firefox 19, Thunderbird 17.0.3, Wine 1.5.23, PulseAudio 3.0, and DigiKam 3.0.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Javascript Hooks Back Into Top 10 Programming Languages

Regardless of the buzz, JavaScript manages only a 10th place showing in index, while C holds top place

JavaScript, while possibly the language with the most buzz these days, however continues to score comparatively low in the index of popular programming languages. But the popular Web development language crawled back into the top 10 in the index. 

Ranked 10th, JavaScript turns up in just 1.64 % of Internet searches used to compile. It is still a bit of a miracle why this universal language is not yet part of the top 5. JavaScript is the glue of client-side Web page programming now a days. But JavaScript is presently booming its application domain. Node.js has made JavaScript a server-side programming language and the amount of JavaScript-based games (mostly browser-based) is increasing.
I can't find any credible reason for the relatively low score of JavaScript. JavaScript is never or barely ever used as a standalone language. It is always the supporter language of a system that is programmed in something else. For example - server-side Java or PHP and client-side a bit of JavaScript. 

Still, JavaScript bears threats such as being regarded as a language in which it is simple to make mistakes. This is why Google has highly-developed Dart, presently hierarchic 80th in terms of popularity and a possible JavaScript successor. In the meantime, other languages, such as CoffeeScript and TypeScript, were designed to create JavaScript code instead of writing it manually. 

Competitor PyPL Popularity of Programming Language Index, which examines how frequently tutorials are searched in Google, JavaScript Position sixth, with an 8.2 % share. Ahead of JavaScript in the PyPL index were Java (26.9 %), PHP (14.3 %), C# (10.4 %), Python (10.2 %) and C++ (9.4 %). The C language leaded first place turning up in 17.809 % of searches, followed by Java (16.656 %), Objective-C (10.356 %), C++ (8.819 %), PHP (5.987 %), C# (5.783 %), Visual Basic (4.348 %), Python (4.183 %), and Perl (2.273 %).

Friday, June 14, 2013

Oracle Reveals Plans For Java Security Improvements

Oracle plans to make changes to strengthen the security of Java, including fixing its certificate revocation checking feature, preventing unsigned applets from being executed by default and adding centralized management options with whitelisting capabilities for enterprise environments. These changes, along with other security-related efforts, are intended to "decrease the exploitability and severity of potential Java vulnerabilities in the desktop environment and provide additional security protections for Java operating in the server environment.

The development team has expanded the use of automated security testing tools, facilitating regular coverage over large sections of Java platform code. The team worked with Oracle's primary provider of source code analysis services to make these tools more effective in the Java environment and also developed so-called "fuzzing" analysis tools to weed out certain types of vulnerabilities. 

The apparent lack of proper source code security reviews and quality assurance testing for Java 7 was one of the criticisms brought by security researchers in light of the large number of critical vulnerabilities that were found in the platform.The changes were meant to discourage the execution of unsigned or self-signed applets. "In the near future, by default, Java will no longer allow the execution of self-signed or unsigned code."
Such default behavior makes sense from a security standpoint considering that most Java exploits are delivered as unsigned Java applets. However, there have been cases of digitally signed Java exploits being used in the past and security researchers expect their number to increase. 

Because of this it's important for the Java client to be able to check in real time the validity of digital certificates that were used to sign applets. At the moment Java supports certificate revocation checking through both certificate revocation lists (CRLs) and the Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP), but this feature is disabled by default.
Oracle is making improvements to standardized revocation services to enable them by default in a future release. Unlike most home users, many organizations can't afford to disable the Java browser plug-in because they need it to access Web-based business-critical applications created in Java.

Local Security Policy features will soon be added to Java and system administrators will gain additional control over security policy settings during Java installation and deployment of Java. Even though the recent Java security issues have generally only impacted Java running inside browsers, the public coverage of them has also caused concern among organizations that use Java on servers.As a result, the company has already started to separate Java client from server distributions with the release of the Server JRE (Java Runtime Environment) for Java 7 Update 21 that doesn't contain the browser plug-in.

12 Apis Every Programmer Should Know About !

Have a look on the following -

  1. GeoNames :- GeoNames turns strings of characters into latitudes and longitudes. The database includes both geographic names and political entities.
  1. FlightStats :- FlightStats tracks the thousands of planes moving through the air, watching for the delays and reroutings that can scuttle plans. The API can answer whether a flight is on time, canceled, or being sent to a different airport.
  1. FollowTheMoney :- Follow the money has been used several times in investigative journalism and political debate. One example is Follow the Money, a series of CBS reports. You Search by state, year, candidate, party, office, and many other fields. Content is available under a Creative Commons license and is not to be used for commercial purposes.
  1. :- The world is full of fakes, and the social media world does not reflect the very best. This is why the U.S. government created a definitive list of official social media accounts.
  1. StockTwits :- StockTwits is a collection of words written about the stocks. The API offers a wide range of open and premier queries on the stocks, forex, and bonds.
  1. Yahoo Content Analysis :- The API requires use of Yahoo Query Language and is limited to 5,000 queries a day for noncommercial purposes.
  1. Moodstocks :- Moodstocks offers a full-featured library for iOS and Android developers, as well as tools for uploading images to the server that performs all computational matching.
  1. MusixMatch :- MusixMatch offers an API with basic searching, as well as a PHP library, an Android plug-in, Perl, Ruby, and more.
  1. OpenStreetMap :- OpenStreetMap offer an API for editing the map data and another one for displaying the data in a Web page. Not only are you encouraged to use their map data, you're welcome to add to their collection.
  1. Panoramio :- Panoramio offers an API for searching geo-linked photos along with a widget for displaying them.
  1. 3D Geo Stats :- 3D Geo Stats is like the classic map API, but the data is drawn on top of a 3D globe in a Flex component.
  1. New York Public Library :- Sure you could travel to New York and enjoy a Broadway show on the side, but it's cheaper and faster to just browse the stacks of the New York Public Library through its API.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

jQuery 2.0 drops support for old versions of Internet Explorer.

Here are some highlights of the changes that jQuery 2.0 brings:

  1. No more support for IE 6/7/8 : Remember that this can also affect IE9 and even IE10 if they are used in their “Compatibility View” modes that emulate older versions. To prevent these newer IE versions from slipping back into prehistoric modes, you have always use an X-UA-Compatible tag or HTTP header. If you can use the HTTP header it is slightly better for performance because it avoids a potential browser parser restart.
  1. Reduced size: The final 2.0.0 file is 12 percent smaller than the 1.9.1 file. You can now exclude combinations of 12 different modules to create a custom version that is even smaller. 
  1. Custom builds for even smaller files: This feature has been greatly refined and extended since its debut in jQuery 1.8. A new minimal selector engine, basically a thin wrapper around the browser’s querySelectorAll API, lets you shrink the build to less than 10KB when minified and gzipped. 
  1. jQuery 1.9 API equivalence: jQuery 2.0 is API-compatible with 1.9, which means that all of the changes documented in the jQuery 1.9 Upgrade Guide have been applied to jQuery 2.0 as well. If you haven’t yet upgraded to jQuery 1.9, you may want to try that first. Be sure to use the jQuery Migrate plugin.
How to Use It
jQuery 2.0 is intended for the modern web; we’ve got jQuery 1.x to handle older browsers and fully expect to support it for several more years. If you want, you can serve 2.0 to newer browsers and 1.9 to older ones using our conditional comment trick, but that is not required. The simplest way to support older browsers is to use jQuery 1.x on your site, since it works for all browsers.
With the release of jQuery 2.0, there are a few environments where the jQuery will no longer support use of the 1.x line because 2.x is a far better choice. These are typically non-web-site scenarios where support for older IE isn’t relevant. They include:
  • Google Chrome add-ons
  • Mozilla XUL apps and Firefox extensions
  • Firefox OS apps
  • Chrome OS apps
  • Windows 8 Store (“Modern/Metro UI”) apps
  • BlackBerry 10 WebWorks apps
  • PhoneGap/Cordova apps
  • Apple UIWebView class
  • Microsoft WebBrowser control
  • node.js (combined with jsdom or similar)

Dropbox Acquires Recently-Launched Email App Mailbox !

Is it a good service or not?

Dropbox announced that it has acquired email app Mailbox . Like many of you, when we discovered Mailbox we fell in love-it was simple, delightful, and beautifully engineered," 
One reason Dropbox may have been interested in Mailbox is because people often use Dropbox instead of attaching large files to emails. Gmail recently rolled out a feature that lets users attach files to emails seamlessly using Google Drive, which arguably reduces the usefulness of Dropbox since you have to visit another site to access your files. 

While there are no signs that Dropbox will announce its own email service, receiving Dropbox attachments inside messages from Mailbox users could be both smart and easy marketing.
Or maybe Dropbox is just eager to bring new, design-focused, cloud-centric companies into the fold. The developer says that 60 million emails are going in and out per day, and the company’s service capacity has grown 2,000x.