Wednesday, January 23, 2019

How Much AR-VR App Development Cost

Augmented and virtual reality is touted as the future of the technology market. An outbreak success of Pokémon Go in 2016 has generated a lot of curiosity among consumers and brands alike. Now, marketers of different industries are investing in the technology to boost their business growth.

No doubt, 2018 has been an incredible year for augmented and virtual reality. Moving forward to 2019, AR technology will continue to proliferate the enterprise app development landscape. According to a report by Perkins Coie, most respondents expect developers to focus their efforts over the next year on creating AR applications for smartphones (82%) and on creating more collaborative and social experiences in AR/VR (81%).

Fascinating isn’t it? But you must be wondering how much does AR app cost. The cost estimation varies significantly depending on the features you choose for your app. As the demand for AR apps is growing, there are several companies offering the solutions. So, you can talk to experts to know which features are apt for your business app.

Development Cost of Augmented Reality App Features

1. Marker-Based AR

It is also called image recognition-based AR in which digital image is anchored to the real world. By scanning QR codes, icons or various cards through smartphone’s camera, you can place a distinctive picture or shape on to the surface.

Time estimation: 80–200 hours

Price: $2000-$3000

2. Marker-Based AR with Animation

Like marker-based AR app, it uses the camera and decoded marker ID to augment the virtual object onto the physical world. Also using the feature, the app developers can add intuitive audio with an image.

Time estimation: 110–250 hours

Price: $2600-$3500

3. Marker-less AR

Use inbuilt smartphone’s sensors like the accelerometer to try different combinations of objects, styles, and locations. For instance, you can place a cartoon character or furniture right in the living room. IKEA is one of biggest example of using marker-less AR technology in their app.

Time estimation: 400–510 hours

Price: $10,000-$11,500

4. Projection-Based AR

Projection-based AR is a leading choice in the manufacturing sector as it delivers valuable results as compared to any other forms of AR. It uses advanced projection technology to simplify complex manual tasks that are part of the company’s manufacturing operations

Time estimation: 240–360 hours

Price: $6000-$8000

5. Superimposition-Based AR

If you want to replace the entire object or a part of it with an augmented view, then this feature is most commonly used. In Healthcare apps, the developers can use the technology to superimpose an X-ray view of a broken bone on a real image to get a clear understanding of the damage.

Time estimation: 280–400 hours

Price: $7000-$8500

6. Outlining-Based AR

Object recognition works behind outlining AR. It is majorly used to recognize the boundaries of road and outlines them for you. The outlining-based AR is used in architecture and engineering to outline buildings or supporting pillars.

Time estimation: 168–250 hours

Price: $4200-$5000

7. Recognition-Based AR

One of the widely used AR that focuses on recognition and provides detailed information about objects. Whenever you scan an image or QR code with recognition-based AR, it comes to life and provides an amazing user experience.

Time estimation: 104–150 hours

Price: $2600-$3500


SLAM is simultaneous localization and mapping technology which describes the physical world through feature points. It makes it possible to recognize 3D objects, instant tracking, scene recognition and overlay digital interactive augmentations.

Time estimation: 400–450 hours

Price: $10000-$12000

Development Cost of Virtual Reality App Features

1. Window on World VR

The feature is generally used in healthcare apps to visualize complex medical procedures such as surgeries or colonoscopies. It can also be used for the simulation of training scenarios.

Time estimation: 104–150 hours

Price: $2600-$3000

2. Fully Immersive VR

It takes you from the physical world and place into a virtual world where sharp visuals and crisp audio is delivered via HMD.

Time estimation: 280–340 hours

Price: $7000-$7500

3. Telepresence VR

You can remotely control the sensors from a distance via Telepresence VR. It is mostly used in bomb disposal robots, drones, and undersea exploration.

Time estimation: 240–300 hours

Price: $6000-$6400

4. Web-Based Virtual Reality

To experience WebVR, you need a compatible browser and a headset. With this, you can experience virtual reality in your own browser which makes it easier to get into VR experiences.

Time estimation: 280–350 hours

Price: $7000-$6900

The bottom line on AR/ VR application development cost comes down to which features you are selecting for your mobile app. To simplify your process of calculating your AR/VR app development cost, we have introduced an AR/VR app cost estimation tool.
With this, you can calculate the cost within minutes and save a lot of efforts and time. For a budget for augmented reality, you can select the relatable features of your app and improve customer engagement with your brand.

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