Friday, July 10, 2015

The Hidden Costs of In-house App Development

Developing a mobile application involves more than just the costs outlined by the technical specifications for a converting a killer idea into a quantifiable reality. There are a whole lot of hidden costs if app development is in-house, further fuelling the long-standing debate between the pros and cons of outsourcing versus in-house. So what does an in-house application development entail?

1. The first stage of incurring additional investments arises in the form of hiring and setting up a team of developers that encompasses the 24/7 remuneration for employees.

2. However, the investments do not end with the hiring of a bunch of developers. In order to build a cohesive and effective team of app developers, designers and project managers, the businesses are required to spend funds in training them as well.

3. Then there are costs involved with the set-up and installation of hardware, software, servers, test devices, et cetera along with the associated costs for all. And these additional costs are incurred just to build an app, in-house.

4. Getting the new software and platforms to work smoothly and smartly within the current environment will again take some time. That adds up to the spending of a substantial chunk of the investment, further stretching budgets.

5. Once the immediate demands of development are met, it will invariably be followed by various maintenance costs to support or maintain the platform. These costs often include long-term HVAC and utility costs, among others.

All forms of costs mentioned above are just a part of the investments involved in developing projects in-house. However, a large portion of the investments can be reduced by seeking the services of a mobile application development company.

Clavax Technologies is a mobile application development company that offers high-end solutions for developing iOS apps. The development team at the company ensures that the app developed by them conforms to the latest technologies, design paradigms and market trends. Their mobile applications portfolio, as an iOS app development company, is a testament to their successful rendition of success stories of clients from diverse segments of the industry.

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